Authorpreneur Dashboard – Renae Baker

Renae  Baker

Defeating Scrooge


Book Bubbles from Defeating Scrooge

Why Would Anyone Want to Ban Christmas?

A man recently shouted at me: "Christmas Joy?! I don't have Christmas joy! I have Christmas RAGE!!!!!" Celebrating Christmas is not part of his culture or religion, but he lives in the USA and feels that – every year – his nose is rubbed in the cold bottom line of Christmas being the dominant December holiday. He's repulsed by the rampant commercialism and thoughtless reveling in the name of The Prince of Peace that he witnesses. He doesn't see peace in angry voices insisting that people should say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays!" Don't even get him started on the mobs and brawls breaking out in parking lots and stores at the stroke of midnight on Black Friday! He wouldn't mind if THAT Christmas was banned. He's not alone. In fact, in the 1600's, Christmas WAS formally banned in England and New England for much the same behaviors! Looking into the history of wassailing and wassail songs, the earliest form of door to door caroling, gives us a fascinating glimpse into human nature then and now!

Ye who now will bless the poor...

Studying the history of the carol Good King Wenceslas reminded me of my friend Hannah's story of the charitable Christmas organization her mother created and in which she involved Hannah. What started as a joyful, generous holiday tradition grew steadily more frenzied, time-consuming, stressful and joy-sapping through the years. It became an obligation rather than a joyful sharing of spirit. Many people mourn the loss of their Christmas spirit as the pressure to spend too much time and money creating joy for others seems to increase yearly. It's worth taking the time, in advance of Advent, to contemplate our spirit of giving.

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