Authorpreneur Dashboard – Rebekah L Webb

Rebekah L Webb

Burrows of Blood and Shadow

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The dreamers dream all the time, free to go anywhere, to be anything, to see worlds outside themselves, inside themselves and beyond themselves. The Dream Surfer has no past or memory and can only experience life through the dreams and memories of others. He is stuck in a world of doors and windows leading to quiet lives, where pain and tragedy flow like the inevitable path of gentle streams. There is one spot he refuses to go, a dank corner where burrows dive down to dark and brutal depths.

He yearns to break free of his cage and create an existence of his own. But nothing he's done so far has brought him closer to freedom. Maybe the key to escape lies where he has so far feared to tread. The Dream Surfer takes the plunge into the depths of the burrows, where he will travel the turbulent current of pain and cruelty intersecting through various narratives. Will this give him the freedom he craves? Or is it just a way to add more chains?

Thirty-seven tales weave together to shape multiple plots, some which dig into literal flesh, while others rip at the flesh of the mind. Neither guilty or innocent, young or old, are safe in this twisting path of mental and physical horrors.

Book Bubbles from Burrows of Blood and Shadow

The Dream Surfer's first burrow.

The Dream Surfer has access to a whole realm of minds to explore but he has no way to experience anything for himself. The burrows are a series of portals that he's avoided due to their dark and raw nature. But he wants to embark on a journey into the burrows' depths to see if they can give him some insight or secret that will finally allow him to escape. His first burrow is an eye-opener for him. It's his first taste of not only true fear and pain but also his first indication that he's not the only otherworldly being in existence. The Dream Surfer isn't sure what to think about any of it. At this stage of his journey, he doesn't have much thought about what he saw beyond a few sterile observations. His emotions and ideas about such things are still very immature at this point.

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