Authorpreneur Dashboard – Norman L Lane

Norman L Lane

Overtaken Unawares

Christian Books & Bibles

When it comes to the subject of the rapture, most people are only concerned with the question of whether it will happen before, during, or after the tribulation. There are, however, much more important issues concerning it that need to be addressed - issues with eternal consequences for our lives. There are aspects of the rapture that popular teaching on the subject usually ignores, so many Christians have not been prepared to deal with much of what scripture says concerning it. Because many believers have not been taught the whole truth about these things, they may soon find that they have been OVERTAKEN UNAWARES by events that are on the horizon right now! There is no need to go blindly into the future when the truth is there for anyone who will carefully consider it to see. There is much reason to be hopeful if you are properly prepared for what is coming, so it is my prayer that you will read this book, take to heart what God's word says about these things, and share it with anyone who will listen so you, and they, will not be... OVERTAKEN UNAWARES!

Book Bubbles from Overtaken Unawares

Unintended Consequences

Sometimes, even with the best of intentions, our actions have unintended consequences. Here at I have offered excerpts of my book in the hopes that people would see how urgent it is for them to obtain the information, but the unfortunate result instead has been that people seem to be satisfied that they know enough about the book's contents from the excerpts. Tragically, this is not the case. Unfortunately, I don't have the resources to give this information away to everyone that needs it, so the only way to get it into enough hands to make a difference is by making it available to the public via already established channels of book distribution and sales. Since virtually everyone that has viewed these "book bubbles" has opted to not obtain the book however, I have decided that instead of offering just enough of the contents to inoculate people against its message, I am changing all of the excerpts to the one that accompanies this one. Obtain the book and receive the message, or don't. That's up to you, but I can no longer enable anyone's idle curiosity about such life and death matters. Sincerely, The Author.

Something You Can't Afford to Ignore

What's it all about? Everyone has a different outlook on this, but there are events on the horizon that will sweep away everything else that people think it's all about that you simply cannot afford to be OVERTAKEN UNAWARES by. Regardless of our opinion on the matter, Jesus Christ is Lord and He will return to reclaim the planet He created after letting the alternatives to His plans that our God-given free wills have come up with run their course. Because He loves us, however, He has told us ahead of time what to expect before it happens so we can not only recognize the truth and have the opportunity to come down on the right side of things, we can also escape the judgment that is coming on the world via something commonly referred to as "the rapture." Jesus warned us that there will be "wailing and gnashing of teeth" for many that are not ready for this event including believers who ignore certain things He said that churches sometimes try to explain away. I urge you therefore to go beyond the mere curiosity of those who have been interested in this book but have taken no action to learn more, and become informed about these things before it's too late!

The Stock Market Slides Again

We've become somewhat used to hearing that the stock market has plummeted yet again, but the latest plunge was worse than usual and the financial experts interviewed by the media have worked overtime to calm our fears with their standard advice. This will pass, they say. Stay in it for the long haul, they say. So far, they've been right, but the day will come when instead of putting on the brakes and slowly climbing back up after a steep decline, the markets will continue to slide until they tank and there will not only be a national crisis, the resulting financial collapse will be global. When this occurs it will be the long anticipated moment that a counterfeit messiah is revealed to a panicked world that is suffering the consequences. To get ready for this we should not only be aware of exactly what is going to happen, we need the direct warning about it that has been provided for us in the Book of Revelation, all of which is addressed in OVERTAKEN UNAWARES including whether or not believers will be “raptured” before it can occur. Don’t be part of the majority that will be desperate for answers and easy prey for the deception that will follow when it happens by neglecting to learn about these things now!

Identifying the Antichrist

People have a lot of ideas about who the Antichrist is. The usual suspects include the Pope, the leader of the European Union, and even Barack Obama. There is compelling evidence, however, that he is actually someone you may not have even heard of. The majority of the people and institutions working behind the scenes to establish the world government that will be ruled by the Beast of Revelation chapter 13 are associated in some way with organizations that promote the philosophies of the New Age Movement. Begun in the 1800s, it predicts the rise of a "World Teacher" who will lead us into a "new age" of justice and peace. This person is supposedly "the Christ" looked for by many world religions including the Messiah of Judaism, the Imam Mahdi of Islam, and the Christ of Christianity. They claim that he is at work in the world today and goes by the name Maitreya. In OVERTAKEN UNAWARES you will see evidence that what sets Maitreya apart from other antichrist "wannabes" is the fact that many international leaders already believe he represents the return of Christ and there is involvement in his cause of organizations working towards world government including the United Nations under whose auspices his monthly magazine is published.

An Imminent Global Disaster

There is a disaster coming that will shake the whole world, and it will affect everyone on the planet regardless of who they are. It is described in the Book of Revelation, but no one is going to be able to "opt out" of this event because they don't believe in the Bible. Bible scholars have interpreted it in many different ways, but what I have discovered about this event constitutes what is perhaps the most urgent warning in the book. I not only explain what this disaster is and the science behind how it will happen, I demonstrate where it occurs in relation to the rapture and the tribulation. It is absolutely critical that you know what it is and how to escape it via the rapture, otherwise you will have no choice but to endure it along with the rest of the tribulation, IF you survive!

ISIS, Terrorists, and Mass Shootings

There are specific reasons why the atrocities of ISIS, other terrorist groups, and mass shooters are being committed now. The answers are found in the seals in chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. Although every conceivable interpretation of the seals has been proposed, most Bible teachers still refer to the events in the seals as the "seal judgments." What I have discovered, however, is that instead of being judgment from God, the pattern of events that the seals reveal gives us the underlying reasons for the death and destruction we are witnessing in the world today from murder, terrorism, and armed conflict of every kind. The seals also tell us where all of this is headed and what to expect next! There is much that we will have to go through before the rapture occurs and the tribulation begins, so this information is very important to have.

Finding the Rapture in the Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation never comes right out and says "The rapture happens here." It is possible to determine exactly where it occurs in Revelation with some scriptural detective work however. This is very important to do, otherwise our expectations can leave us unprepared for what is really going to happen. Besides, what is actually going on in some of the places that people usually try to put the rapture is very cool and not to be missed!

Warnings For Believers

One of the most important topics covered in OVERTAKEN UNAWARES is also the most controversial. Although it's undeniable that salvation is by grace through faith, we are still warned in scripture about consequences for certain things that some believers will be OVERTAKEN UNAWARES by because they have been taught that they do not apply to them.

An Astounding Disconnect

There are ideas that certain aspects of popular teaching on the rapture rely on that seem to be able to cause our minds to shift into neutral when we consider them. When we want to believe something badly enough we can experience a kind of collective disconnect between what we are taught and what scripture actually says. What we are usually told about the Antichrist and the rapture is a prime example. Get ready for a shock!

Precedents in Scripture

As New Covenant believers we sometimes miss truths in God's word that are woven into both covenants. We understand that the New Covenant is the fulfillment of the Old, so it stands to reason that many things in the New Testament have a precedent in the Old Testament. These precedents often establish foundational principles upon which their New Testament fulfillment is based that can provide invaluable insights into them. This is certainly true about the rapture which is foreshadowed by Old Testament events. There are also aspects of the rapture that Old Testament scriptures address, so our understanding of this event will not be complete until we review the "whole counsel of God" on the subject.

Resolving Controversies

There are many controversies swirling around the return of Christ. When it comes to these issues people tend to align themselves with the school of thought they have been indoctrinated into or are most familiar with. In most cases, study and scriptural research focuses on trying to prove an existing view without investigating whether or not there is another way of looking at things even though this is often where the truth lies. Discovering the solution to these controversies requires a willingness to consider new concepts and relinquish cherished ideas when they are proven wrong. If you are willing to work through this process and fearlessly embrace what you discover, you will find that the truth CAN be definitively determined and the controversy laid to rest.

Working Forward

When we start with what Jesus said about His return to planet earth and work forward instead of starting with the Book of Revelation and working backwards, His teachings on the subject can be our guide to unlocking the mysteries and resolving the controversies inherent in this vital subject.

A Better Idea

People have lots of places where they hope to find answers to questions about the rapture. Some look to history while others accept the testimony of those who've had some kind of revelation without checking it against scripture. It occurs to me, however, that the ultimate authority on the subject of the return of Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ. Since we do have a record of His teaching on the subject, it would probably be wise to start there!

Hmmm... where to start?

Finding the right place to start in scripture to determine what it says concerning a topic can be critical to understanding how to put things together.

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