Authorpreneur Dashboard – Melissa R Stone

Melissa R Stone


Science Fiction & Fantasy

Orphaned at a young age and taken in by Telvan’s most notorious bandit gang, Kinrou had no real expectations in life. He knew nothing of his past, nor did he care to. Then,one day, with the death of a Dragon Warrior, everything changed. After a trip to Karath, the capital city of Telvan, he was told about a threat to the peace and that he had been hand picked by the Sky Lords themselves to stop it if only he could discover what this threat was in time.

Book Bubbles from cod_v2

Jiken's plan

If Kinrou was smart, he's stay home.

Stars of Destiny: Talismans


It’s been two months since the defeat of Vulturia and the Lords of Chaos. Cory has recovered from the injuries she sustained in the fight, but both she and Hatemi have decided that they’re done with being sehashi. Allan and Dionne find some papers hidden in the remains of Vulturia’s lair that might hold a clue as to what they’d been up to if only they could translate the writing. Then a new group of enemies shows up demanding that they hand over the scrolls in exchange for the safety of Elysium Valley.They don’t know what the worst part is. A new, stronger enemy? A team that’s short two of it’s members? Or is it that these enemies wear uniforms that look frighteningly familiar?

Book Bubbles from Stars of Destiny: Talismans

A new enemy

Things were getting to be a little too quiet around town.

Stars of Destiny: Light


Dionne Archer is a regular high school girl. For her sixteenth birthday, though, she was gifted a strange mirror and a family secret that would change her life. Faced with new magical powers, Dionne must now team up with other slike her to fight the organization known as the Lords of Chaos and keep them from achieving their goals. All while dealing with homework. As if being a teenager wasn’t hard enough already.

Book Bubbles from Stars of Destiny: Light

The story begins

It's rough being a teenager

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