Is your business built for success? Is it built to maximize your personal happiness? Like many business owners, your business isn’t just about making money. You’re also passionate about taking care of yourself and your family, employees, and community. It’s a cornerstone of your business’ success and a key driver in your decision making. But until now, this facet of business has been often overlooked. That is, until now.
The Bottom Line of Happiness: Financial Strategies and Exit Planning for the Big-Hearted Business Owner™ is designed to help mission-driven business owners at every stage of their business’s life cycle create the foundations for success and fulfillment. Author Matthew Pardieck knows a thing or two about navigating corporate success while maintaining a happy and fulfilling life. A former aeronautical engineer and pilot, Pardieck has worked in wealth management for over 25 years helping business owners find success and serenity.
In this revolutionary guide, Pardieck shares ideas on:
As a Big-Hearted Business Owner™, you have the ability to create new wealth and improve your community. The Bottom Line of Happiness will teach you to effectively navigate the tax, planning, and financial landscape to your advantage, to benefit those who are most important to you. Pardieck's tried-and-true techniques have helped owners fulfill their corporate and personal goals as well as potentially saving them millions in taxes. If you are ready to thrive—not just survive—as a business owner, and give your most philanthropic goals the priority they deserve, this is where to start.
Book Bubbles from The Bottom Line of Happiness
Due diligence leading up to an LOI can be difficult and disruptive. However, the continued demands for information, negotiating the ultimate purchasing agreement, and doing your best to keep the business functioning make this time-frame amongst the busiest and most stressful in a business owner's life. This section talks about how to keep focused on the big picture, manage your advisors, and ultimately make a go/no-go decision on scheduling the closing day!
Find an Advisor Who Speaks the Truth
Building Your Team
Case Study: Sale to Private Equity Firm
I Am the Business!
This is from the chapter on team building, I believe a critically important accelerator of business owner success. Why make the mistakes others have already made? Early on, staying lean and mean can help extend your runway vs paying a bunch of annoying fees. I get it. But the more a business grows, making sure your team grows with your changing needs can truly make difference between success and failure.
Many are shocked to hear the massive amount of tax savings from simply understanding the laws and the required timing. As in most areas of the code, planning AHEAD is critical and can save business owners hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.
I read a fantastic book early in my career about the concept of social capital: the capital you can't keep. It must go to benefit public good involuntarily through taxation or voluntarily through charitable giving. Andrew Carnegie wrote about the concept in his essay, "The Gospel of Wealth" and was a prolific philanthropist in a much simpler tax environment. Today the tax code with accompanying regulations is over 70,000 pages. Yet, the code still provides many incentives for charitable giving. Knowing as many of these opportunities as possible helps leverage giving dramatically.
Wherever possible, I tried within book to take complicated topics and make simple so a business owner could quickly evaluate the potential uses of ideas or products. Here is an excerpt on the complicated topic of life insurance for business owners describing how design of a policy is very different depending on the goals.
We've seen so many dark moments since the Pandemic and this week added perhaps one of its worse chapters. The feelings of anger, despair and sadness run deep for everyone and certainly we must rally and pray for those devastated families in TX as we gratefully hug our young children. These events tear at the fabric of our shared humanity. My prologue was my small observation and offering that the Big-Hearted Business Owner has been and will continue to be in a unique position to minister to this fabric. The owner has leverage in their actions as they are leaders of people, providers to families, and supporters of communities. Acts of kindness, acts of faith, and recognition of our shared humanity (such as the safety of our kids) are important at all levels. But, now more than ever, we look to the owners in our local communities to be this innovative force for good, even if it's just simple acts of kindness. Small things in large quantities make big differences.
My sister Rachel was 10 years younger than me, full of life and a kind, passionate soul. As a psychology major, she was always interested in how to make people feel better. She had a small business "Healing Hands" focused not just on massage therapy, but also ancient healing methods such as Reiki and EFT Tapping. She was a wonderful mother (James) and wife (KC) and an amazing musician who could sing with unbelievable power from her tiny 100lb frame. Her songwriting (band "Little Pieces") reflected 'little pieces' of herself-check it out online. We lost her in 2015 to brain cancer, but she stayed positive throughout and wrote in her book how to live life fully regardless of outcome. Shouldn't we all live that way with or without a diagnosis? A big-hearted business owner can own any size business: she was a perfect example.
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