Authorpreneur Dashboard – Kit Eyre

Kit  Eyre

Such Crooked Wood

Gay & Lesbian

Lily McFarlane chooses to restore retro furniture in her converted church and keep her distance from emotional entanglements. But when her favourite bar Spectrum is attacked, she finds herself getting drawn into plans to revive it, at the same time as dealing with a gorgeous stranger determined to make a friend of her. And what does it all have to do with her new client?

Book Bubbles from Such Crooked Wood

Like Minds

Lily and Bridget are on the same wavelength and they appreciate many of the same things. With this scene, I wanted to demonstrate that but still give some hints at what's coming later.

Opening Paragraph

Writing an opening is one of the most difficult things you can do as an author! If you're introducing a character with a distinctive voice, it's important to get that clear from the start, so I had to put enough detail in the opening paragraph to give a flavour of who Lily is.

But By Degrees

Gay & Lesbian

What would you do if you answered your office phone to a bomb threat? Danni Morris was already dealing with the ramifications of a failed relationship when she picked up the phone that day. Eighteen months later, she's still on a mission to find out the truth about what happened, as well as struggling to mend her broken heart.

Book Bubbles from But By Degrees

The Aftermath

This was one of the changes that I made to the novel in the final drafts. I knew Danni needed to experience this moment absolutely instead of just hearing about it later. I think it paid off!

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