Authorpreneur Dashboard – Lysz Flo

Lysz  Flo

Soliloquy of an Ice Queen (The Ice Queen, #1)

Literature & Fiction

No one asks why she became this way, but they call her an Ice Queen. This is the inner dialogue of how this Ice Queen came to be. A fantasy themed collection of poems recounting love, lust and heartbreak. She loved once and that was the romantic tragedy that started it all. A collection of English, Spanish, and Haitian Kreyol language poems coloring heartache into blue hues of sorrow, bitterness, healing, and hope.

Book Bubbles from Soliloquy of an Ice Queen (The Ice Queen, #1)

Is there a soul behind that ice?

To be judged for heartlessness without knowing the story is the tragedy. She loved once and this was her end and her beginning.

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