Authorpreneur Dashboard – Leslie Riopel

Leslie  Riopel

The Enlightened Woman's Guide Spiritual Entrepreneur 2 12

Religion & Spirituality

Want to improve your ability to succeed, unlock your potential and transform the world? Enlightened Woman and Affirmation Queen Leslie Riopel has redefined the usage of affirmations. Combine that with over a decade of research and work and a master's degree in psychology, and you have an award-winning combination for manifesting change. The habit of daily affirmations builds self-esteem. If you affirm to yourself every day you deserve to be spiritual AND successful, you can transform your world. More importantly, you can live a life filled with love, joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction thanks to your own positive self-regard. Through the art of daily affirmations, you can take back control of your own destiny. If you are tired of endlessly searching for the right affirmations on any given subject, you're going to love the affirmations in this guide. This book contains 10 read aloud affirmation scripts that all work together in support of a common goal. Each set of affirmations builds upon the last, helping you to step into a whole new level of success as a spiritual entrepreneur. The third book in The Enlightened Woman's Guide For Change series, Spiritual Entrepreneur contains over 1,000 affirmations for attracting success and connecting with spiritual flow. With the affirmations in this guide you can: • Be Spiritual and Successful. • Find Your Spiritual Superpower. • Connect With Spiritual Flow. • Think like a Spiritual CEO. • Integrate Spirituality and Business. • Live With Passion and Purpose. • Become an Influencer. • Attract Success. • Become Naturally Charismatic. • Build a Billion Dollar Brand. I

Book Bubbles from The Enlightened Woman's Guide Spiritual Entrepreneur 2 12

Spiritual Entrepreneurship

With this book, you can create a new reality by having a conversation with yourself. This book is much more than a list of single affirmations. It is a comprehensive guide that can help you completely change your thinking and start thinking like a spiritual entrepreneur. The main problem with repeating a simple affirmation or even a short list of affirmations is that you often stop repeating them before the changes get a chance to manifest. This might be because of boredom, or simply a lack of enthusiasm. The trick is creating a series of affirmations that are tied together in support of a common goal. This helps alleviate the boredom of repeating the same thing over and over. This book is broken down into a series of 10 "Affirmation Proclamations". These short scripts, which contain hundreds of affirmations, are designed to work together. Each new script builds upon the last, helping you change your thinking at a very deep level. The more you repeat them, the faster change will happen. The proclamations include: 1. Being Spiritual and Successful. 2. Finding Your Spiritual Superpower. 3. Connecting With Spiritual Flow. 4. Thinking like a Spiritual CEO. 5. Integrating Spirituality and Business. 6. Living With Passion and Purpose. 7. Becoming an Influencer. 8. Attracting Success. 9. Being Naturally Charismatic. 10. Building a Billion Dollar Brand.

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