Embark on a cross-country cycling adventure in this exciting sequel that finds author Larry Walsh on yet another solo trek across America. Here, Walsh brings readers along for the ride of a lifetime: 4,200 miles, cutting across ten states, from Oregon to Virginia. The Trans Am Bike Race is so grueling that less than 300 solo riders in the last decade have crossed the finish line. But Walsh did just that. Reaching the Yorktown Victory Monument, however, is just a small part of this tale.
In this inspiring follow-up to Suit to Saddle, we find Walsh a year removed from his fortuitous layoff that spurred his first cross-country voyage of self-discovery. This time we join the Army veteran on another exhilarating pilgrimage that’s sure to reawaken that long-dormant sense of adventure, broaden horizons, and challenge the default notions of the American people. All the while, Walsh inspires readers to reconnect with their own goals and ambitions, proving that even the most daunting journey is possible with determination and faith.
Meet colorful folks from across the country as Walsh cycles through over 300 towns, and experience the ever-changing countryside, from scaling mountains to pedaling through sacred Native lands. This love letter to the American road is sure to light a fire and set readers on the course for their own unforgettable journey. For anyone feeling obsolete or past their prime, Walsh proves it’s never too late to start the race of a lifetime.
Book Bubbles from Forty to Finish
Nearly five years ago during the summer of 2019, with about 150 miles to the finish line on my bike race across the land, I stopped at Wyant's store in White Hall, VA. I had a conversation with David, who I found to be one of the most interesting people I met during my journey. Fast forward to February 2024, my wife and I were on a trip back home from watching our son compete in a Track and Field competition when we stopped at Wyant's store. We walked in. I looked around, hoping to see David's smile once more. Not this time. I learned that he had retired recently. Though the people had changed, not much else had. The book I signed during my previous visit was still there, and the shed I had slept in across the street from Wyant's store was still standing. I still can't believe I had the opportunity to see America Up Close one pedal rotation at a time. I feel grateful beyond words for that time in my life. I pinch myself whenever I think about my time in the saddle during the fall of 2018 through the summer of 2019.
"Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" A phrase frequently heard when thinking about skydiving. For many who crave adventure, jumping out of a plane might come to mind. The same thinking applies to bike racing. Trying something new and seeing the world from a different vantage point is part of the appeal. These were all reasons I tackled the 2019 Trans Am Bike Race (TABR). It wasn't until I returned home after finishing and reflected on the race achievement that I genuinely appreciated my decision to saddle up. The 73 souls who arrived in Astoria, Oregon, spanned 15 countries: male, female, young, and old. I was on the more senior end of the spectrum. The first-place finisher, Abdullah Zeinab, was in his twenties. Three days after the race began, it was a foregone conclusion Abdullah would win. The only question was by how much. Abdullah finished the 4,200-mile race in a little over 16 days. That he averaged 250 miles per day is mindboggling. The 9th annual TABR will kick off next Sunday morning, June 4th. You can follow the race in real-time (www.trackleaders.com/transam23) as the crazies race across ten states over five mountain ranges. Destination known. The Yorktown Victory Monument in Yorktown, Virginia.
When you ride a bike 7,300 - miles, you're bound to travel through charming and historically significant communities. Five hundred and twenty-eight, to be exact. Many, but not all, I touch upon in Suit to Saddle and Forty to Finish. However, many towns didn't make the cut. I talked to all kinds of interesting people in rural America. I reveal countless gripping events and engrossing stories inside the books. There are so many I simply couldn't include. That's why I created America Up Close - A Slice of America One Small Town at a Time, to feature invisible towns in fly-over country. I dig deeper and add color as I recount riding through Texas deserts, Kansas's never-ending highways, Native American lands, Appalachia, and more. In the 12th edition of America Up Close (coming first week in March), I highlight the tiny town of Jackson, Montana. "This remote and hospitable community offers the perfect way to experience the adventures of the Montana outdoors." My time in Jackson amounted to a mere twelve hours. However, this stamp in the middle of nowhere made my list of one of my top ten places I'd like to visit again. Sign up for my ' quick-read' newsletter and join me on a trip down memory lane: Silver City, NM; Marfa, Texas; Carmine, Texas; Capitola, Florida; Astoria, Oregon; Fort Washakie, Wyoming; Newton, Kansas; Fordsville, Kentucky. Visit www.larry-walsh.com
Veterans Day is traced to 1918, "On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month…" when hostilities ceased in the "war to end all wars." It was hard for me in the saddle not to think about my service to our great country while riding through native lands on my bike race across the heartland. I now own a greater appreciation for and understanding of tying our country's past to the present. Hearing Barbara talk about the history of the Nez Perce Indians during my short stay in White Bird, Idaho, and Nolan describe his father's Vietnam-era service as a proud member of the Eastern Shoshone Nation, I knew my journey had grown into more than a bike ride ; it had transformed into an educational experience. I met Nolan at the Sacajawea Cemetery in Fort Washakie, Wyoming, while he was paying respects on Father's Day 2019 at his father's gravesite, one of the 42,000 Native Americans who served during the Vietnam War. This week, when we celebrate all Veterans for their service, I'd like to highlight the sacrifices of the approximately 140,000 Native American Veterans who served America in the most brutal conflicts our nation has endured.
Merriam-Webster Definition of Sequel: The next installment (as of a speech or story). The description sounds stiff, exact, and logical; NOT what explains my journey to Astoria, Oregon, on May 30th, 2019. There was a pull. An attraction. A magnet. Something other than the "next installment" brought me to Astoria so soon after returning home from my first bike ride across America. As if this unlikely journey was pre-planned. Hardly. Some authors think ahead and imagine an idea that grows, develops, leading to a published story a broad audience enjoys. Others, like me, reflect on our past and realize life has been one hell of a ride. The pull to detail, to record, compose, build, and connect, becomes all-consuming. The goal is always the same-delight our readers. We all have a story. I'm happy I shared mine. I hope you enjoy it!
"Your job has been eliminated." In other words, you're unemployed, out of work, and desperate to find a new purpose. When US Army veteran Larry Walsh heard those words, his world was turned upside down. With a desire to move beyond unemployment, create an exciting new future for himself, and push past his limits, he decides to fulfill his lifelong dream to bike across the country. He purchases a Surly Disc Trucker touring bike and begins his 3,120-mile ride of the Southern Tier from California to Florida. Cycling over treacherous mountains, through open plains, unforgiving deserts, and over 200 unique small towns, Walsh not only discovers a new world and new people, but he uncovers a side of himself that he thought was long forgotten-one filled with true grit and determination. In Suit to Saddle, Walsh chronicles his story of triumph over adversity. Each person he meets along the road plays an integral part of his quest for inner peace and growth. Through the eyes of a one-armed cyclist, a retired police officer, a gun-toting waitress, and a thousand miles of open road, Walsh learns that the true meaning of a life well-lived is the journey. Join Walsh on his trip across America and see what it feels like to experience life one mile at a time.
Book Bubbles from Suit to Saddle
It's a very interesting idea. Experiencing life and seeing the real world is part of it. Another aspect is reflection. When combined, self-reflection, self-awareness, seeing other people's points of view, curiosity, and a bit of humility raise the chances of becoming 'wise.' When I wrote in Chapter 5, "Military service and athletic competition are two disciplines that bring out the best in people…." I was 59 years old; a lifetime of experience had passed. The adventure that began in 1984 as a 22-year-old newly commissioned 2nd lieutenant shaped the person I am today. I urge the younger generation to volunteer to join the military melting pot, where different cultures come together for a common purpose, and a lifetime of lessons.
Had I ridden my bike across the land when I was an incurious young man I would have missed the many life lessons from the saddle. Ten miles outside of San Diego; equipment nearly falling off Tank. I asked myself, why am I here? I kept pedaling. Things worked out. Riding through the desert. 100 degree temps; wondering, do I have what it takes? I perservered. Climbing mountains. Challenging? Nothing worth doing comes easy. Ever wonder what riding in quicksand feels like? Cycling into 20 mph headwinds up a steep grade sums it up. At the summit. Pause, reflect on the achievement and prepare for what's next. Sound familiar? Monday morning we think, can't wait for Friday. Days pass us by. The cycle continues. No different in the saddle. Just add towns to the mix. I reached Uvalde, TX on Oct 16, 2018. Unfamiliar to most, including me, until May 22, 2022. My memories are fond of that quiet, calm town. A hearty meal, hot shower, warm bed after a rough day riding through cold rain. The next morning. Out the door, onto the next unfamiliar town, never to hear about Uvalde again. I'll always remember Uvalde as the town that bypassed flooded roads leading to the Hill Country. Our group now able to continue our incredible journey. Yes, I believe riding a bike is a Metaphor for Life.
When I wrote the first word for Suit to Saddle, I had a clear beginning and end in mind. That was not the case with my second book, Forty to Finish. The beginning was clear. Hop on a plane and fly to Astoria, Oregon. Simple and straightforward. The ending? I had no idea. Writing for me is all about discipline and routine. Since August 2020, I stayed at it, day in and day out. Early mornings. Late nights. Breaks in between. My routine. Maps, pictures, notes, a computer screen and keyboard laid out in front of me. And then just write. And write some more. The ending to Forty to Finish became clear during a break (jog) one day in early April '22 in my hometown of Mendham, NJ. I’m psyched to be on the final stretch of my writing journey, rounding third. Forty to Finish coming soon! Counting the days!!! (Introduction to Forty to Finish is included at the end of Suit to Saddle)
An 84-year-old woman approached the front of the auditorium at the All Seasons in Ann Arbor last week. Her steps were noticeably shaky, as she made progress using her Rollator to reach me. She steadied herself and in a soft, wavering voice, said, “I enjoyed your talk.” The one-time avid cyclist, with over 25,000-miles on the saddle as a member of her cycling club, appeared content and energized to tackle the rest of her day. A few days later, after my talk to the Central Jersey Cycling Club members, I received a thank you note. "...Thank you so much for sharing your stories with the club. I am about one-third of the way through your book, and I am amazed at the details you include. You certainly seem to have the knack to be a great writer. Don't give it up. And best of luck with your second book about to come out. I'll be watching for it. I know there is an introduction at the end of Suit to Saddle..." These warm-hearted encounters, and unforeseen hat-tips reinforce the wise decision I made to share my story with others.
Bicycle shops closed their showrooms using the space to store bikes dropped off for repair. They stopped taking phone calls because, as one bike mechanic told me, "I'm not turning a wrench. I'm constantly answering the phone." A friend recently told me he finally picked up his new bike, on backorder for a year. "I'll take that one!" not wanting to wait a year to saddle up. During Covid, many fitness-starved folks turned to cycling for outdoor exercise. Additionally, traveling from place to place on a bike positively impacts the economic vitality of small communities. Coffee. Breakfast. Lunch. Camping. Motels. A Snickers bar from the convenience store. According to some reports, we spend 8 million dollars a day in the United States from a bicycle seat. Organizations such as the rails-to-trails conservatory, whose mission states, "building a nation connected by trails," and the Adventure Cycling Association "inspire, empower, and connect people to travel by bicycle," are paving the way to a cycling renaissance. So what are you waiting for? A Valentine gift for that special person in your life!?
Have you stopped making New Year resolutions because you didn't follow through? Do you begin every year with the best intentions and end up on the stationary bike pedaling to nowhere? I had a dream, but I needed an extra push to move beyond my comfort zone. Only then did I see the prize. Untethered from the nagging voice in my head that won the battle preventing personal growth, I didn't just think; I acted. You too can make the choice to act on a desire. Are thinking about a new adventure? In 2022 treat yourself to an experience gained through living life on the saddle.
I like trying different things and cycling across the country and writing a book about the experience just seemed really cool. Without my family supporting me one hundred percent, I would never have been able to tackle a lifelong dream. For almost thirty years I reflected around this time each December, on the year that had passed by rather quickly. I wondered what the future would hold. Would I still be doing the same thing? At the same company? And sure enough, there I was the following year, doing the same thing. The cycle repeated. The pattern was familiar. But, in 2018, the cycle was broken. And for that, I am grateful. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all!
I found buried on a cluttered shelf, the aging laminated printout I had carried for many years. It was the kick start I needed. "Attitude" and the one hundred thirty seven words of wisdom begins with, "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life…" and ends with, "I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so, it is with you…you are in charge of your attitude." Simple, yet powerful. Little did I realize in 2018 when I was laid off from my job, it was a blessing in disguise. I stepped away from corporate life and cycled across America, twice. Have you ever worried about losing your job? Is a long bike ride (or two) on your bucket list? Are you one of the 81% of folks who want to write a book? Do your 'assumed constraints' limit your potential? I answered yes to all of the questions above and did something about it. In Suit to Saddle, I chronicle my story of triumph over adversity. In Forty to Finish the journey continues. I invite readers along for a cyclist's love letter to the American road. Coming soon...
Sixty-four days after I dipped my Surly Disc Trucker bike tire in the Pacific Ocean, a ritual to christen the start of my cross-country journey, I finished my trek by repeating the ritual at the Atlantic Ocean in St. Augustine, Florida. Between those sixty-four days in 2018, I met countless folks from small town America. Tales from many encounters are captured in Suit to Saddle, including a reunion with two Army buddies in Austin, TX. And one memory from the day I reported for duty at Fort Polk, LA to begin my first real adult job has stayed with me for years. Veteran’s Week starts today! Thank you to all who served our great country.
"What was your tipping point?" "My daughters," I replied to Rob's question what motivated me to ride my bike across America. At the Jersey shore on July 5, 2018, I asked Tara and Jaclyn how they felt about dad cycling across the country. "Dad, YOLO!" they replied in unison, revealing wisdom beyond their years. The rest is history. Our Zoom video call continued. I recapped Lael's story when Rob, We Get Outdoors, wanted to know what inspired me to enter the Trans Am Bike Race six months after returning from the Southern Tier ride. His eyes widened as he gleefully shared, "I interviewed Lael about two weeks ago!" The notion that Rob from South Africa and I from New Jersey uncovered Lael's gripping story for inspiration in a world of over five billion people struck me as fantastical. Young in years but old in wisdom, my daughters helped me see my North Star. And Lael's story of true grit and determination inspired me to test my mettle.
I walked downstairs this morning and brewed a pot of coffee to start my day, just like so many before. I sat down in my office, looked at my iPhone and read the following text message from my daughter, "Happy book release day dad!!" Straight away I knew I wanted to use this platform to express my thanks and appreciation to all who supported my writing journey. Thanks!!!
Did I ever think I would write a book? I would never have taken that bet. But deep down, I felt the need to share my story. To test my mettle. Sure, I like trying different things. I guess that was part of the reason. But I also wondered if my story could help others. My wife thought it could. The day after I announced to family and friends the release of Suit to Saddle, I received the confirmation that my writing journey the past two years has been worth the effort. A former work colleague contacted me, and shared the following, "your publication and comments were the affirmation I needed to keep on pushing..."
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