Authorpreneur Dashboard – Kris Friedman

Kris  Friedman

Gardening - Kris.pdf

Children's Books

A lovely panda girl, a smart koala and the bravest lion you can imagine. Best friends. Living together. Day by day they experience the beauties of life, sometimes wondering, sometimes struggling and of course laugh and play a lot. In these lovely stories our kids can learn a lot about life, how to solve their problems, how to love and enjoy their life – just by experiencing it through the life of their beloved characters. The stories are short (takes about 15 minutes to read each), easy to understand and full of fun – so our rascals can have them just before sleep time. Now all the books come with a vocabulary at the end – to help our loved ones understand everything even easier. Kris created these lovely creatures to teach her daughter different things she come across in life. As days went by another story unfolded, and another one, and another one - and finally there were a whole series to tell her every night before going to sleep.

Book Bubbles from Gardening - Kris.pdf

Joey and Leon at springtime

Take a close look at how the three friends enjoy springtime.

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