Embark on an extraordinary journey with Sara, the swaddled babe of Mary Magdalene, born in Jerusalem 34 AD with a unique ability to time travel forward into others’ bodies. Fuelled by the desire to rescue a young Cathar girl from the 13th-century Montségur massacre, Sara grapples to control her extraordinary power. This is an evocative time travelling tale that delves into ideologies, heresies and spirituality.
Join Cressida as she ventures beyond the confines of her troubled past, seeking solace amidst the whispers of the island’s age-old myths and the echoes of its storied ruins.
Haunted by the spectres of childhood trauma, Cressida finds sanctuary amidst the labyrinthine mysteries of Crete, drawn inexorably to the enigmatic allure of the Minoans and their veneration of the Sanke Goddess. Within the ancient stones and swirling mists, she confronts the shadows of her own psyche, grappling with the tempests of memory and discovering her resilience in rugged Cretan gorges.
The island of Crete unfolds in a symphony of colours and sensations – from the crystalline depths of turquoise seas to the windswept expanse of white sands, from the weathered facades of ancient ruins to the whispering olive groves that cloak hidden secrets. As Cressida delves deeper into the tapestry of myth and mystery, her quest for understanding leads her to the sacred precincts of Delphi, where the boundaries between past and present blur in a shimmering haze of transcendent revelation.
Dancing the Labyrinth weaves a spellbinding tale of trauma and triumph, resilience and redemption. Through its pages, themes of self-discovery and the transformative power of myth resonate with a timeless resonance, inviting readers to delve in the depths of the human spirit.
Immerse yourself in the magic and majesty of the Greek islands, where every page of beckons you to surrender to the siren song of adventure and embrace the mysteries that lie waiting in the heart of antiquity.
Cressida flees to Crete from an abusive upbringing. Nothing goes to plan when she discovers she is pregnant. Her overwhelming fear is she will pass on her father's violent genes. After discovering a cave of ancient Minoan paintings and learning of their history, she is compelled to confront her own truths. Dancing the Labyrinth is the first book in the thematic series Women Unveiled. Each novel can be read separately but are united by a distinctive feminine narrative challenging societal boundaries. The series blends Greek mythology, archaeological and historical research with imagination in the telling of (almost true) stories.
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