Kinsey, a medieval kitchen-maid, finds a magical cloak as she walks through a forest. When she tries it on, a talking unicorn named Crimson appears and takes her to rescue the neighbouring castle from a giant serpent-like river dragon. With the river dragon defeated, Crimson offers Kinsey the chance to join her for a life of adventure. Though fearful, the thought of freedom from her menial day-to-day tasks compels her to agree. She has no parents to ask permission of, as her mother died when she was six, and her father, who was a travelling horse-trainer, disappeared two years earlier, and is assumed murdered, although his body was never found. In the weeks that follow she must stop a band of wild jagotchies, rescue the leader of the dwarfs from wild wolves, kill a pair of mungas, escape a dangerous bobaho, and destroy a deadly dragon. Kolby, a young man who teaches Kinsey survival skills, joins them on their journey. Unknown to Kinsey, all these adventures and Kolby’s training have been preparing her to be the new Guardian of the Land. Just as she learns how to use her new skills, she has to face her greatest challenge yet, a firece battle against a ruthless man known as the Snake and his Pegasus of Peril. Will all she have leaned on her adventures have prepared her to defeat him?
Book Bubbles from The Battle of the Snake
Surprises come in all shapes and sizes, but nothing could have prepared Kinsey for a surprise in the shape of a unicorn. And this one comes not with a rainbow mane and pink sparkles, but a compelling nature and a delight for danger. And so Kinsey's life is turned upside down as she is drawn into a one risky adventure after another, starting with slaying a river monster. This is no ordinary, run-of-the-mill snake pretending to be a river monster is truly...well, hideously monstrous! And that's just the beginning...
This heartwarming children’s book has 8 fun short story read-alouds for 3rd graders (and younger children). There are elephants, dragons, unicorns, prince and princesses —and that’s only two of the stories! You’ll also find pirates, sea monsters, pet dogs and motor scooters. Perfect for classroom read-alouds and bedtime short stories for second and third grade kids (7 to 8 year-olds). Plus, the paperback version comes with 24 bonus coloring pages—great for after reading activities. These coloring pages are suitable for a wide range of ages and skill levels—they include young children coloring pages up to adult coloring pages.
Book Bubbles from 8 Under 8 For 8's
Have you ever opened your door to a surprise visitor? Eloise and Edmund are about to receive more than an unexpected visit, they're going to hear some news that will change their lives forever. And with it will come a scary adventure.
Are you afraid of monsters? RumJumBum the rabbit is terrified of the Hoobliegooblies, but Joey the hedgehog is about to convince him there's nothing to be frightened of. Because hoobliegooblies aren't real...are they?
Young Cole runs away with his little sister after their father is killed. As he struggles to look after her he finds that their father's killer is closing in on them. How can they escape this time?
Book Bubbles from The Runaway Rescue
***No matter how far Cole runs, he can't escape the truth he carries with him...he is alone in the world. Except for Lauren, his little sister, whom he will go to extreme lengths to protect. Like running away to a new city and hiding in an old shipping container. *** My husband always thought it would be fun to build a container home, but I wasn't so sure. I like my space, but the idea did intrigue me. It seemed like a good place for a writing retreat at least. But the retreat I would like to visit is nothing like the rusty old container Cole and Lauren end up in when their father is killed. In this excerpt Cole is having a nightmare, recalling how his mother died the night Lauren was born. I wanted to write a story that shows that death is not something you deal with in a week (or in a moment if you want action movies!); that it impacts you for a lifetime. But I don't want to labour the point...this is a kids book after all! So there are plenty of light-hearted moments in this story. You can download a digital version of this book when you subscribe to my newsletter at
Meeka’s parents were super wealthy and super cool so it should’ve been a blast visiting Meeka in her mansion-like home, but Logan can’t get passed all the secrets everyone seems to have. The manager, the teacher—and even Meeka; who won’t stop lying. Logan’s certain she’s hiding something and he’s determined to find out what it is. Meeka was excited to see Logan, Nate and Poet but her joy is soon replaced by dismay as her dad ignores her. She needed him to rescue her from the trouble she was in, but he didn’t even notice her. And it was all Logan’s fault—there was no way she was going to tell him her problems! Nate and Poet try to help smooth things over, but none of them realise the terrible danger they are in from an unseen enemy. But when Nate’s life is in peril, Logan, Meeka and Poet jump in where they shouldn't—running away to try and rescue him— but instead of saving him they find themselves in deadly danger too. How will they survive when there's no-one around to help them this time? And what will happen to Ninja-Nate? Will their mistake be the end of them all?
Book Bubbles from The Con Artist's Takeover
As some time during a happy childhood, there still comes a point when your perfect father or mother let you down. For Meeka, who adores Jason her father, this time is now. She has a lot going on: secrets she needs to share with her dad, but it seems like he's got other things, and other people on his mind...
I heard this story from my son, whose friend had complained of how her mother had treated her when she'd been lying on her bed for a couple of hours using her tablet. She was upset, but as a mum, I found it hilarious. I hope you do to.
A great short story read aloud book for 5-10 year olds you'll love including: Cinderella Sarah—a Cinderella story told by the little brother. The Bodyguard—a pet dog looks after his friend. Grandma's Muddled Magic—a fairy Godmother is reunited with her magic wand and "helps" fairy tale characters. Dumplepumple the Friendly Troll—a young troll stumbles upon a sleeping dragon. Skyhead the Dinosaur—take a tumble back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. Morris the Monkey—the big fishing competition is coming up but all he wants to do is play. The Magical Monster of Doom—everything turns topsy-turvy when the magical monster of doom is around. Pakak the Inuit Huskie Dog—A young boy searches for his lost dog. Find 14 fun read aloud children's stories/bedtime stories for kids ages 5-9 in this heart-warming book. There are pets, fairy tale characters, monsters, dragons and everyday school stories! Not to forget the pizza! It's one of those fun books for kids you'll enjoy as much as your child or student! Note for Teachers and Homeschool Parents: You can download 14 FREE multipage worksheets in pdf format to use with Cinderella Sarah, plus some bonus Book Report Templates. Grab your copy of over 60 pages of worksheets for Kindergarten to Grade 4 from
Book Bubbles from Cinderella Sarah
When I was a kid, we did a lot of camping, so I spent a good amount of time in the New Zealand bush. I learned how to make a bivouac and even tried to sleep in it. I was a member of the Girl Guide Association, and so I was taught a lot of bush survival skills. Unfortunately none of these skills are used in this story! :) Hopefully though, your children will learn something, even if it is simply to watch out for lions wherever they may wander. As a gift for joining my newsletter, you can download the rest of this story for free. It's part of my free collection of 14 short stories called Cinderella Sarah. When you join my newsletter I'll send you monthly news, coloring pages or cards and kids jokes. Subscribe here:
Trespassing Logan gets caught out abseiling alone down a cliff by a girl who calls herself Captain Happy. She refuses to tell Logan her real name, and her fun-loving parents go along with the game. Baffled, Logan joins the mystery family for a day full of adventure. Not only are they mysterious, they are wealthy beyond anything he knows, as a race in a Ferrari proves. As night time approaches, they are joined by Logan’s foster family, including his two foster brothers, Cole and Nate, and foster sister, Poet. As the families enjoy stories around a campfire, little do they know they are being watched by two shipwreck pirates who want to land on their beach and smuggle in some shipwrecked gold into the very house Captain Happy is staying in. The criminals are going to have to deal with Captain Happy, Logan and their families. It’s up to their ringleader to come up with a plan. Unwittingly, the Crime Stopper kids walk straight into his trap and Cole is captured. Determined to get him back, the kids sneak through a tunnel that collapses on them. All looks lost when they are discovered and caught themselves by the ruthless pirates. Even Nate's ninja-like martial art skills can't help. How will they escape and capture the pirates now?
Book Bubbles from The Trespasser's Unexpected Adventure
Both Cole and Nate practice taekwondo; and that comes in handy when facing deadly thieves. I had a lot of fun stepping through the fight scenes with my son, who is taekwondo obsessed. I think he had as much fun wrestling me to the ground, as well. I didn't go down easy, just saying.
After Logan finds out the true identity of his new friends, he is keen for his foster brothers and sister to meet them as well. Luckily for him, it turns out they're keen too. So after some fun banter, it's all organized and a night of beach camping begins. It's later that night their first encounter with the shipwreck gold smugglers occurs, but for now, it's all about getting to know each other. Note: Steve and Abby are Logan's foster parents; Jason and Lia are Captain Happy/Meeka's parents. And Janet is the manager of the lodge where Meeka and her family are staying.
This excerpt is where Logan meets 'Captain Happy'. She is super-imaginative, inventing new make-believe characters every day. She is also lonely, being an only child—she needs a friend. Logan’s background is totally different to wealthy Captain Happy’s. His father doesn't want him; he didn't even remember his birthday. He is being fostered by his best friend's parents, which is working out well, but still Logan is insecure. To escape his blues, he's abseiled done onto a private beach to explore, thinking there was not going to be anyone staying there that day. I loved inventing Captain Happy and her father, Captain Blackbeard. The main criteria I had was that they enjoyed each others company, and that they enjoyed being ridiculous. I wanted to create a father-character who obviously cared for his daughter, to contrast with Logan's father. Being a writer, I particularly loved helping Captain Happy create new words, my favourite being unco-nerdo. She has a lot more made-up words, and I think it says something about Logan's own imagination that he can join in her games and make up his own words too. Of course, there's more to their friendship than that: they are both risk takers who love an adrenalin-rush, whether it be rock climbing, motocross or rescuing their friends from thieves.
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