Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jo Mercer

Jo  Mercer

Perfection and Other Illusive Things


What if you woke up one morning looking as perfect as you'd always hoped you'd be? What if you then went after all the things you were too afraid to chase after before? And what if that made everything go wrong, instead of right? Drawn to Hawk and intrigued by his colorful best friend Ivy, Eden thinks maybe she could choose something more than the safe, vanilla life she’s always had. Juggling her old life and new friends is more difficult than she imagines though, and one night—one party—changes everything. Now she’s grounded, kicked off the volleyball team, and fighting with her best friends. Fine, she thinks, if her old life doesn’t want her, she’ll burrow herself in the new. Except Ivy outs a secret Eden thought was for her and Hawk alone. Retribution comes fast, and Ivy accuses Eden of being the tattletale. If Eden can’t embrace her true self and clear her name, she’ll burn everyone she cares about and lose herself in the process.

Book Bubbles from Perfection and Other Illusive Things

First chapter

This novel started as a theme - what comes first, perfection or confidence - sort of like the chicken or the egg. And which would you rather have? “Perfection and Other Illusive Things was the perfect pick me up. John Green has the knack for saying things that we all think yet we never speak them. This is a trait I never found in other writers until I read this novel by J Mercer. I enjoyed this book and wish I could give it more than 5 stars!” — Readers’ Favorite 5 star review by Rabia Tanveer

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