In the frozen wastes of the distant future, a killer known as Harrow prepares for his final battle. Technocratic elites have poisoned his world and left his entire people enslaved, destitute, and depraved. Now he willing to shed the last tatters of his humanity to wreak his vengeance. In this first volume of the Next Man Saga, J.M. Salyards presents a novel that sweeps from the apocalyptic Outlands to the palatial luxury of the Third Enclave, and finds Harrow about to begin a war of annihilation. Before he can, he discovers allies who might bring him back from the brink. A psycho-spiritualist teenage boy and an exiled princess of the overlords may give Harrow a final tether to life. As wills and fists collide, the unwilling hero must choose between a future beyond his victory, or death as his only chance for peace.
The teenage psychic and mystic Quintain fights to free his friend Harrow from the vengeful spirit possessing him. Here we see the depths to which Harrow will go to wage war on the Last Men and make safe his people, while also observing how Quintain does everything in his power to preserve his ally's body and mind.
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