In Search of Our Origins, presents complex but interesting information on the origin of life and man. Hundreds of pointers from the epistemological study of Quran seem to tell us how the first molecule of life arose on the planet, what was the mechanism involved, where the event occurred on the primeval earth, and what did happen subsequently. The pointers also tell us how the life is linked to man, how the first man and his mate were created, where they were nurtured initially, and when and where did they appear on the earth. The book presents a standard objective mechanism to extract information from the ancient text, a way to verify the ancient records and a different mechanism to collectively investigate the information. The data presented has the potential to permanently lay at rest the debate between creationists and evolutionists.
Limiting revealed knowledge to a single faith only, presents an incomplete picture of the phenomenon of revelations that goes against the scientific rationale. It is similar to the parable of six blind men, who touched individually a different part of an elephant, and assumed its shape to resemble the part they were holding. Logically, a Guidance from Creator, cannot be sent only to select few, for a limited time, and in a remote past. The need of revelations is global and eternal. This work presents revelations as a planet wide phenomenon that came to all nations and areas through human channels initially. Later, after the advent of writing and means of its preservation, the phenomenon coalesced into a Transmission, a non-human Messenger for all time, that could be preserved for eternity. In such a transmission, two methods are possible for putting unlimited information in it. First, by coding guidance under the primary text, in layers, one below the other, to be decoded by the humanity itself; and second, through peculiar composition of words that can reveal futuristic guidance from the same root meaning of words, using wider background of information. First method has been explained in 'The Ultimate Revelations'; and the second is outlined here, with the list of difficulties I have encountered in this exercise.
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