Authorpreneur Dashboard – James W Bennetts

James W Bennetts


Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Detective Paige McGraw is waiting—waiting for something to go her way for once. After letting a suspect on the run slip through her fingers, her career is in shambles. Stuck working in the shadow of the brash new homicide inspector on the force, she is biding her time, hoping to redeem herself by catching a good case or bringing her slippery fugitive to heel.


When a defrocked priest is found dead, horribly murdered and mutilated, it may be just the investigation she needs to prove to herself and everyone else she’s still a capable cop. But then she and the inspector uncover an old case of abuse and find themselves pursuing a devilish killer. And when the inspector falls victim to him, too, Paige begins a desperate game of cat-and-mouse with a man who could be a demon. Or maybe an angel. A terrible, avenging angel. But whatever he is, Paige knows she’s now in for the fight of her career—and perhaps her life.

Book Bubbles from Catechisms

He's Coming to Judge Us!

Who is the blackmailer? Father O'Neill desperately needs to know.

In the Ruins of the Farmhouse

The aftermath of a wild-goose chase the killer has sent them on.

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