Authorpreneur Dashboard – Ian Hall

Ian  Hall

Avenging Steel 1: The Fall of Edinburgh

Literature & Fiction

October 1940. Nazis march triumphantly along Edinburgh's Princes Street. James Baird, a philosophy student at Edinburgh University is ashamed he's dome nothing in the defense of his country. When he's approached by Military Intelligence (SOE), he finds a way to fight back. But as the missions become more important, they also become more dangerous. Join James as he learns to fight dirty. The best Alternative WW2 History around.

Book Bubbles from Avenging Steel 1: The Fall of Edinburgh

Wedding Rings...

Alice and James are off on their first joint mission... as husband and wife. It's the first real outward sign of a romance building between the two and I decided to keep it spontaneous, almost breathless in nature... almost as if the characters were writing it themselves...

Edinburgh's traitorous sky...

I woke with this scene in my head... I was standing on Princes Street, watching the German military band march on my home town.... it made me mad. So mad I had to start a whole new series to cover it...

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