Authorpreneur Dashboard – Holly Kerr

Holly  Kerr

Loving the Wrong Guy


What does a girl do after a bad breakup? Road trip!
When Demi finds her controlling boyfriend has followed her to Las Vegas, she not only leaves him, but leaves the city as well—deciding to make the two-thousand-mile journey back to Toronto rather than risk running into him again.

New friends Chrissa and Tad are quick to join her; Chrissa wants Demi to have fun and start living her best life again.
Tad just wants Demi.

But loving the wrong guy for years really messes you up. Is the road trip long enough for Demi to sort out her life—and the new feelings she has for Tad?

Loving the Wrong Guy is the fifth book in the Suitor Science Series, a charmingly sweet, laugh-out-loud road trip romantic comedy where loving Mr. Wrong might pave the way for Mr. Right.

Book Bubbles from Loving the Wrong Guy

Dinosaur kiss

This is really when I fell for Tad. He's smart and sweet and just awkward enough not to be the leading man type, but having him get the girl - or at least a kiss - makes me want to cheer! And get him kissed again (which is what I do! )

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