Authorpreneur Dashboard – Gabriel Okechukwu Udensi

Gabriel Okechukwu Udensi

Consider Jesus

Christian Books & Bibles

This is an in-depth revelation of the secret mystic of God’s word, expounded with the most simple and relevant illustrations. It contains the secrets codes of the kingdom principles and its expository applications and relevance in various field of study as follows: Science, Arts, Business, Law, Philosophy and Mathematics. And in it you will study and apply the following thus: Study and apply the Arts of Creation in creating anything you want in your life. Learn and understand how to open an account with God’s bank and transact business successfully. Understand the True meaning of the words “RICH” and “POOR”. Learn and understand how “Money answers all things; even your prayers”. Learn and apply the Law used by JESUS; in creating Exponential Abundance, when he fed 5000 and 4000 men with few loaves of bread and fish. Beloved, let’s get inside and embark on this adventurous voyage of discovery with the Holy Spirit of God as our compass and captain of the ship. REJOICE EVERMORE!

Book Bubbles from Consider Jesus


Attain mastery in the Arts and Science of creation, for creating and manifesting excellent things in your life and circumstances; such as healing, money, good relationships, miracles and power.

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