Authorpreneur Dashboard – Frankie Russo

Frankie  Russo

The Art of Why


No matter where you are in life, The Art of Why is a manual for mastering your purpose. Whether you are fresh out of college, a seasoned entrepreneur, or on the verge of retirement; it is never too late to start honing your craft. The Art of Why provides the map for you to take action and become a pro at doing what you are meant to do.

Book Bubbles from The Art of Why

Roadmap for Life

Everyday I see people who are where I used to be. They wander through life with no clear direction on where they are going. Everything I do is propelled by my WHY. It's the only way you can really live. It wasn't until I worked the steps in the book that I was able to find my WHY and master it. If you can relate to those feelings of wandering through life, get a copy of the book and learn about my journey to success and how you can do find the same.

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