Authorpreneur Dashboard – Fidel Namisi

Fidel  Namisi

Man of Stone and Shadow

Science Fiction & Fantasy

In 2099, an unassuming young man enrols for an African History degree at the Azania State University, somewhere in Southern Africa. When a chance encounter with an ancient artefact at the University Museum leaves him with the ability to transform into the shadow of anything he touches, he goes on a journey to discover who he really is and why he was chosen to have such powers. But there is someone else who is after his gifts: a powerful sorcerer who will stop at nothing to change the face of the continent, leaving death and destruction in his wake. With time running out, Luyanda has to find a way to master the shadows, save his own skin and stop a mad-man before he becomes an undefeatable tyrant.

Book Bubbles from Man of Stone and Shadow

I enjoyed writing this.

I enjoyed writing this.

When The Hero Takes A Back Seat

What I enjoyed about writing this scene was watching the hero, Luyanda, take a back seat and have to rely on someone else to do a little bit of the super-heroing.

When Characters Surprise You

When I wrote this chapter, I honestly didn't expect Dr. Bimba to behave as she did. I thought she'd just give the two students a hard time, then eventually cave in to their pleading. But I discovered that she does indeed have a sense of humour hidden away beneath her harsh exterior.

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