Authorpreneur Dashboard – Felice Cohen

Felice  Cohen

What Papa Told Me

Biographies & Memoirs

From this book, What Papa Told Me, you will learn about the story of Murray, a young Jewish boy from Poland whose courage and sheer will to live helped him survive eight different labor and concentration camps in the Holocaust, start a new life in America, and keep a family intact in the aftermath of his wife's suicide - one of the Nazis' last victims.

Book Bubbles from What Papa Told Me

In the Face of Horror, some Hope

My grandfather's survival in those eight different camps during the Holocaust was filled with horror and hunger, but he always found some reason to have hope.

90 Lessons for Living large in 90 Square Feet (...or More)


After living in one of the world's smallest apartments (90 square feet) for 5 years, this professional organizer offers lessons for organizing and decluttering any sized space, while also sharing how living tiny made her life larger.

Book Bubbles from 90 Lessons for Living large in 90 Square Feet (...or More)

Only Way to Begin is to Begin

With at least 30 more days of sheltering at home, now's the time to tackle a project you've been meaning to get to. Break it down into steps and do one step a day. In 30 days, what can you accomplish? A lot.

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