THE RIGHT COMBINATION: Want to change challenging canine behavior? Release stress first. The first step most take with a problematic canine is jumping right to a behavior modification program and/or skills applications process, when the reality is that a dog may not be in a state of learning due to distress or chronic/acute stress. The Canine Emotional Detox (CED) provides a step-by-step stress protocol, the right combination of elements and is focused on releasing stress first. The Canine Emotional Detox differs from other books on stress because it focuses on the right combination of elements to reduce stress and to date has over 700 permission-based cases.
Book Bubbles from Stress Release
Each dog has their own style of learning and problem-solving. Color recognition evaluates behavior and whether eyesight is keen or not. Set-up: Food will be under either yellow or blue consistently. Most dogs will be at this beginner level, where food is UNDER the color. They need to remember which color holds the reward. How To: Start with one colored egg or cup (yellow or blue). Do 10 to 20 repetitions to familiarize dog to color/reward. Add a second color, if 80% success. Repeat and record how many times dog chooses right color. Then add a third color. Here is where dogs might get confused, lose focus, go to wrong color. Go backwards. Is dog confused, or finds it stressful, or is afraid of the objects? If latter, start by helping the dog to relax, gain focus, and build confidence to see results in behavior change. Does dog move too quickly OR need to think and study? Moving too quickly, help to focus, concentrate. These dogs can be quick to react to situations. A slow, steady thinker, is a clue not to rush this dog through exercises of skill or behavior. Let this dog think, proceess. The dog who does nothing, simply means this dog can be stressed by learning. The guardian will need patience.
Everyday stress seeps into our lives, from baby formula shortages to high prices from gas to food. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight. The fallout is stress. Stress in dogs escalates when their needs are not being met. What can we do for our dogs, if our own needs aren't being met? We can focus on things that cost little to nothing, like providing resting sleep for our dogs setting the stage with soft music, chews, cozy beds, warmth. The household can be a safe haven for humans and dogs by providing a place that is stress free. What is comforting? What can provide for immediate needs. This can make a huge difference coping with stresses experienced outside the home. Focus on today, on providing daily toy play, which can also bring joy. Focus on dog's sensory needs. It is in the simplicity of caring for dogs in our lives, that we reciprocally can find joy to release stress in our own complicated lives. Focus on getting out, exercising and providing activities that mentally tire, while allowing the building relationships. Dogs can help us to enjoy life and to put what is important into perspective. Stress is today's reality, but looking to our dog's and their needs, can help us survive another day.
A recent review, by Asher Syad for Reader's Favorite said "Had Diane Garrod's book fallen into my lap two years ago, I believe we could have managed stress-release sooner, and likely without the use of medication. I like that Garrod takes different behavioral patterns into consideration. I had no clue that dogs can and need to reach a state of REM for deep relaxation and what to look for in a sleeping pup to affirm it has been reached. There's a really great program in this book, and I have no doubt it will be appreciatively received by all who read it." Getting involved with your dog is about more then taking them for a walk, feeding them, playing ball with them. To be fulfilled, they need to use their senses, play, have physical stimulation, sleep deeply for rejuvenation and healing, and be with you on walks, and their learning journey. Do you know how your dog thinks, learns? Humans are great at issuing directives, but not so great on patience and observation, letting their dog think. Dogs who are stressed have a hard time learning,, focusing, concentrating. Taking time to get involved with your dog means looking at them with new eyes.
Chronic stress in dogs triggers the brain. The brain hears “danger, danger!” and body changes occur in the form of behavior and health challenges. Putting a dog into situations where they feel unsafe, fearful, and lack confidence causes stress to escalate. Flooding a dog with information dog they are not ready to process leads to chronic stress. What else causes chronic stress? -Daily stress - a dog continues to habituate reactivity increasing the production of bad stress -Excess weight can be because of a stressful environment or lifestyle. -Disruptors in foods and other products -Medications can cause all types of side effects -Allergies Health issues resulting from chronic stress can be: -Heart diseases -Metabolic Syndromes – weight gain, weight loss from not being unable to eat. Autoimmune diseases - thyroid issues -Fatty liver -Cancer to name a few Chronic stress takes longer to release, It is true what Epictetus says "Ruin and recovering are both from within."
Both pet guardian and trainer implementing a Canine Emotional Detox, learn many things about the individual, such as how the dog is interacting with the environment. In context, in the environment and what happens BEFORE the behavior, the antecedent, is the reason FOR the BEHAVIOR. A dog's relationship with their guardians (owners, caretakers) is an important part of the process determining how successful a behavior modification program will be over time. Dogs have various ways of processing information, from over-arousing, to being fearful of, to becoming defensive or to be confident with what presents itself. Dogs learn by association and consequence. Dogs also do what works and processing information presented to them enfolds these concepts. The CED, because of three intense days spent in observation of the dog, can often be a catalyst to identifying movement patterns that aren't right, or mannerisms the dog has that could indicate pain and a medical professional can be added to the team in helping the dog overcome those things causing stress.
Observation and research are key to not only writing, but writing as art. Being artistic means wielding the key strokes as not only written word but visual photographs in the mind of the reader. In non-fiction, it means clarity in communication and developing a step-by-step approach to leave little doubt as to what the author is trying to convey. In writing my book, I also wanted to have it sound as though, in the mind of the reader, I was having a discussion with them, talking to them. Any artwork that you assess the colors draw you in, the content mesmerizes you and you say, "I get what this artist is trying to say". The message might not be evident until you learn more, research the painting or artwork (of any type), but then the ah ha moment is realized and the rest is history. The right combination of understanding, revelation, format, education, teaching, learning and opening up a mind a bit wider is the art of nonfiction.
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