Authorpreneur Dashboard – David Morris

David  Morris

Aliens in the Gift Shop

Science Fiction & Fantasy

"Aliens in the Gift Shop" follows two extra-terrestrial scientists who have arrived on Earth for their first reconnaissance mission: to study and gather information about human society and interaction. Due to a miscalculation in their environmental data the mission is a complete disaster. While trying to salvage their assignment, they discover that they have brought with them an object that is vital to the survival of their planet. This discovery unwittingly puts them, and the Earth, into the interstellar cross-hairs of their enemies, who will stop at nothing to acquire it.

Book Bubbles from Aliens in the Gift Shop

Visitors Arrive

What happens when two well-meaning, but a bit incompetent aliens arrive on Earth for scientific observation, and select the worst possible location they could have? When I was starting this adventure, I was inspired by the overwhelming cacophony of smells that one can encounter in gift shops full of candles, potpourri, and other tchotchkes. Since I wanted to write a humorous story about alien visitors, I figured I would toss them into a place which seems safe, but where a trivial detail makes a huge impact - and see what happened.

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