Authorpreneur Dashboard – Darren Hawbrook

Darren  Hawbrook


Science Fiction & Fantasy

The tragic deaths of two young girls still linger in the hearts and minds of a grieving town, but only one person really knows what happened to them. Sebastian Binks has been subject to frightening psychotic episodes since he was six, the result of a childish prank that left him locked in a church cellar. From time to time the universe speaks to him, and when it does death will come to Forest Town. Now the stars convey another name, another girl destined to join the others in Foreverland.

Book Bubbles from Foreverland

The Dark Rising

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Every town has its secrets, but are the sins of the past ever truly buried? Jason Turlow works the night shift in the local chicken factory, his marriage at the point of breakdown. Yearning excitement in his otherwise mundane existence, Jason’s life is about to change when he chances upon a pretty young hitch-hiker on his way home from work. But is she in anyway linked to the strange lights he has been seeing in the woods? Forest Town has a dark past that is buried deep, but that which slumbers is set to rise again. (Short Story)

Book Bubbles from The Dark Rising

A little taste of the fear

There's something in the woods outside of Forest Town that should not be there... And does this gorgeous hitchhiker that Jason sees next have anything to do with the strange things happening? Will Jason escape or will whatever it is that lurks in the woods get him too? I guess you'll have to read it and find out.


Science Fiction & Fantasy

The tragic deaths of two young girls still linger in the hearts and minds of a grieving town, but only one person really knows what happened to them. Sebastian Binks has been subject to frightening psychotic episodes since he was six, the result of a childish prank that left him locked in a church cellar. From time to time the universe speaks to him, and when it does death will come to Forest Town. Now the stars convey another name, another girl destined to join the others in Foreverland.

Book Bubbles from Foreverland

Sebastian knows who will be next

This book is the 3rd installment of the Forest Town Chronicles, a series of short stories set in a small town in England. They are all stand-alone, however, the 3rd book is going to start connecting people and themes to the 4th installment, which is coming soon. In this installment, we meet Sebastian, who knows the names of girls before they die. And he is powerless to stop it from happening.

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