Authorpreneur Dashboard – Catherine Winters

Catherine  Winters


Science Fiction & Fantasy

Thirty-year-old redhead Josephine Berendt has everything under control. She’s finally over her ex, Max Spencer; her third novel is about to hit the shelves; and she’s living happily alone in a quiet Denver suburb. So what if her life is missing a little action? She gets all she needs by writing about vampires – and at least her furniture won’t run away to Paris just to prove how much it doesn’t love her. 600-year-old businessman Grant Black thinks he’s just doing a favor for an old friend by keeping an eye on Josephine and her dangerously accurate storytelling. Keeping out of her life is no trouble at all – until Max shows up on her doorstep with a case of fangs and Grant is forced to meet Josephine in the fearless, foul-mouthed flesh. Soon Josephine finds herself at the center of an undead incident of international proportions. Now every day is a test of how long she can balance her need for independence with her growing affection for a killer, and stay alive – or, at least, not dead.

Book Bubbles from Black

Culture Shock

Culture changes. But what happens when you don't change - for perhaps hundreds of years? The Sovereign Empire of the Immortal codifies and enforces laws for vampires. In a dangerous world that wants to kill you, sanctuary is important - hospitality is important. But my main character is a product of the late twentieth century, when we lock our doors and refuse to even answer them when someone knocks. She benefits from ancient laws of hospitality - but doesn't for a minute understand them.

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