Authorpreneur Dashboard – Bridgitte Lesley

Bridgitte  Lesley

Mingling With the Kitchen Staff


If you are looking for Sandra you will always find her in the kitchen at parties. So appropriate for Sandra who was a caterer. Besides, the kitchen was a safe place. Until one of the guests needed a glass of water. Or rather, to escape from the crowds.

Book Bubbles from Mingling With the Kitchen Staff

Mingling With the Kitchen Staff

If there was one thing Sandra did not do, it was mix pleasure with business. It never worked. When she was doing the catering she made sure always to dress elegantly. The guests would all get to see her when she did her once over inspection. Then she would leave and hand over to her trained staff. There would be no exception. Her place was in the kitchen. Not mingling with the guests. Robert disliked cocktail functions. Firstly, there were always little snacky things and you didn’t fill up on the food. But then there was always someone who wanted to introduce a woman. So Robert stayed away from anything that seemed like a cocktail function. But for once he would have to placate his partner David. Funnily enough he found himself in the kitchen. Away from it all.

Off the Beaten Track


After a bitter, torrid breakup Ruth had been left with a terrible inferiority complex and found solace in a cabin in a forest. A chance meeting with Michael gave him the opportunity to apologize for his regrettable behavior but to his chagrin he was rebuffed. He was determined to find her again. A second chance at romance looms but a friend with benefits was not part of the deal.

Book Bubbles from Off the Beaten Track

Hitchhiking can be dangerous

However safe you think it may be, hitchhiking can be dangerous. Even more so when you almost climb in to the cab and realize this is not where you want to be! That was exactly what Ruth thought when she almost climbed in to the cab of her childhood sweetheart. The same man who had changed her entire life and turned it upside down.

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