Authorpreneur Dashboard – Brian David DeLaney

Brian David DeLaney

A Good Mourning

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

The deceased have a right to a last word... Especially the hastened. Someone is killing the residents of the Falls Assisted Living and Memory Care Center (FALM) in idyllic Benton Falls. Jules Storey, the Marketing Director of the FALM, is the first to suspect this. She convinces eulogist and Visiting Angels member Axel Ahearne of the conspiracy, but no one believes them. It is up to Axel and Jules to find the killer before another resident dies, putting together a plan to catch the killer, even if it means they will have to use a certain resident for bait, Axel’s grandmother, Winnie.

Book Bubbles from A Good Mourning

A Good Mourning

People tend to lie to themselves to justify their actions. Some actions are more extreme than others. Ask yourself this question: "What lies do I tell myself?"

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