Authorpreneur Dashboard – Beth Dana

Beth  Dana

Make Money Your Partner


Your 30-Day Guide to Financial Consciousness and Abundance. In this book, you will dive deeper into what matters most to you by strengthening the foundation for your financial future. Stretching yourself and your vision to new heights, creating new daily habits and routines that are aligned with your financial future, and awaken to a new level of financial consciousness. The work of financial consciousness and abundance is a journey and a process, and it continues to unfold and evolve as we move deeper into learning and understanding our relationship with money.

Book Bubbles from Make Money Your Partner

Make Money Your Partner


This Quarterly Financial Goal Tracker, Planner & Journal is designed to serve as your guide towards creating the life of your dreams. Many of you have completed the ‘Make Money Your Partner’ 30-day guide’s and are ready to take your journey to the next level, and this will support you in staying on track in achieving your next level of success. Thank you for choosing to take the lead in designing the life of your dreams.

Book Bubbles from Make Money Your Partner

Make Money Your Partner


Your 30-Day Guide to Financial Alchemy & Freedom. Are you ready for miracles? In this book, you will tap in and tune in to your vision and embody your future self. What do you desire? How do you want to feel? When do you want this to happen? As you begin to embody the exact feelings and sensations of your future self, live as if it is already happening, and say ‘YES’ to opportunities that up-level your life, you will begin to create the life of your dreams.

Book Bubbles from Make Money Your Partner

Make Money Your Partner: Your 30-Day Guide to Financial Wellness and Healing


Your 30-Day Guide to Financial Wellness and Healing. The work being done here is specifically designed to inspire and empower you to create healing in your relationship with money and to begin living an abundant life of financial freedom, by working from the inside-out. This holistic approach to financial freedom will allow you to begin letting go of limiting beliefs that you hold about yourself and money which no longer serve you, and as a result you will start to experience the alignment of your mind, body, and spirit as you create breakthroughs in your relationship with money. While it is very important that we are educated and empowered in our financial lives so that we can make clear and confident choices, without first healing our internal dialogue, any concepts we learn about how to handle our finances are just concepts. We need to learn about ourselves and how we can best utilize these concepts, so that we don't allow old patterns to return again and again. Together we will engage in meaningful and transformative conversation so we can move into abundance!

Book Bubbles from Make Money Your Partner: Your 30-Day Guide to Financial Wellness and Healing

Daily Healthy Habits

How you spend every day is how you spend your life. Creating a new, healthy morning routine sets the tone for your entire day in how you choose to relate to the world and circumstances around you.

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