Authorpreneur Dashboard – Austin Dragon

Austin  Dragon

Stars and Scorpions

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Stars And Scorpions. The sci-fi, thriller continues. There is a conspiracy in Washington DC—to purge religiosity from the nation by, of all people, the president. Some say it’s his reaction to seeing the Fall of Western Europe to the Supreme Islamic Caliphate decades ago. Others say his motives are far more sinister. In America, The paramilitary leader of a secret Jewish group has set in motion a series of events. In Mexico, a young Catholic priest becomes a mythic leader, but will he live long enough to join the Resistance?

Book Bubbles from Stars and Scorpions

(The End of) Religion in the End of the 21st Centu

I love stories that transport you to places you've never seen before or those that mix elements together (successfully) that you would never think of. The world seems to be divided into those that live in tek-cities and those that don't, those that believe in God (outcasts) and those that don't (the Establishment). W also see that there many exceptions to the norm, not just the irreligious versus the religious, but intra-religious civil wars. The After Eden Series not only takes you all over the world, but we also meet members of old religions: Jews, Christians., Catholics, the Amish, etc., but the new ones: Vampires, Jedi, Vulcans, etc. (Yes, these are officially recognized religions, actually they already are today in some places) In Stars and Scorpions, we start off in Australia, go to America and end in Mexico as we follow the conspiracy. Technology continues to be a major “character” in the series. Besides being introduced to key Jewish and Catholic characters, which a key to the coming global war, we are introduced to "other things."

Thy Kingdom Fall

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Thy Kingdom Fall is the provocative, debut science-fiction thriller of author Austin Dragon—a dramatic mix of politics, religion, and intrigue set over 75 years in the future. In 2089, a former skin-runner-turned-star-reporter investigates the Washington DC daylight murder of the most powerful political king-maker in the nation. It is just the tip of a wider conspiracy and the start of a chain of events leading to the outbreak of World War III. It is the first in the epic After Eden series.

Book Bubbles from Thy Kingdom Fall

Thy Kingdom Fall (Chapter One)

This began it all.

The War Begins on September 11...2125

After Eden, Thy Kingdom Fall. All Kingdoms Fall, New Kingdoms Rise. Those are the very first words of my science fiction thriller After Eden series. The first book opens powerfully with the first Chapter ‘Wolf 359’ at The Three Towers--built by the descendant of one of the victims of the original 9-11 who becomes President of the United States. Taller, bolder, more magnificent--the Towers are not only the symbol of New York, but one of the ultimate symbols of the American Empire itself. Science fiction is at its best when what you read does not seem impossible or unlikely at all. What spurred me into creating this series is pretending I was a kind of a civilian journalist sent into the future, getting there over 75 years from now and just writing what I see—the good, bad, and in between, both the wonderful and the frightening. I would report on the culture, politics, religion, entertainment, and the technology. I knew how my series would end from the start, but the key question—the journey for the reader in this anthology-style saga—is how do we get there?

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