Authorpreneur Dashboard – Andres T Tapia

Andres T Tapia

The Inclusion Paradox

Business & Investing

“Diversity is the mix. Inclusion is making the mix work” is what Tapia says about this reality. Which means that inclusion is hard. Very hard. Harder than diversity itself. Inclusion defines the challenge all leaders face as they address the dramatic shifts of diversity—racial, ethnic, generational, gender, sexual orientation, faith, personality, nationality, and on—in our workplaces and communities.

Book Bubbles from The Inclusion Paradox

Diversity Urgent Yet Methods Ineffective

CEOs, heads of human capital, and chief diversity officers call. "We get the case for diversity, we don't need to be convinced," they say. "But how do we do it? -- so much of what we have tried simply has not yielded results." The good news is that there *are* answers and successful case studies.

Auténtico: La guía definitiva para el éxito profesional de los latinos

Business & Investing

Los latinos están encaminados a ser un tercio de la población de Estados Unidos para el 2050. Están cambiando el talento, el mercado y los paisajes políticos del país de maneras sin precedentes. Entonces, ¿por qué hay tan pocos ejecutivos y líderes latinos? Es lo que los autores, el Dr. Robert Rodríguez y Andrés Tomás Tapia, llaman "la vergüenza del 4%": el bajo porcentaje de ejecutivos corporativos latinos en la actualidad. Autentico: La guía definitiva para el éxito profesional de los latinos profundiza para comprender las fuerzas externas de los prejuicios conscientes e inconscientes, y las fuerzas internas que crean tensiones para muchos latinos sobre si asimilarse, enajenarse o aferrarse a sus identidades culturales en su camino hacia el éxito. Obtuvimos entendimiento a través de entrevistas detalladas con veinte ejecutivos latinos "boomers" muy exitosos, además de grupos focales con docenas de líderes de la generación X y millennials latinxs. Estas se sintetizan e interpretan a través de los lentes de las dos experiencias personales, y muy diferentes, de los autores como líderes latinos en el mundo corporativo estadounidense. El libro también tiene implicaciones para los latinoamericanos que desean crecer dentro de las multinacionales estadounidenses con sedes alrededor del mundo.

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Auténtico: The Definitive Guide to Latino Career Success

Business & Investing

Latinos are on the way to being one-third of the U.S. population by 2050. They're changing the country's talent, marketplace, and political landscapes in unprecedented ways. So why is it that there are so few Latino executives and senior leaders? It's what authors Dr. Robert Rodriguez and Andrés Tomás Tapia call the "4% Shame"—the low percentage of Latino corporate executives today. Autentico: The Definitive Guide to Latino Career Success digs deep to understand the external forces of conscious and unconscious biases, and the internal forces that create tensions for many Latinos about whether to assimilate, opt out, or double down on their cultural identities in their quest to get ahead. Insights have been gleaned from in-depth interviews with twenty highly successful Latino and Latina Boomer executives as well as from focus groups with dozens of GenX and Millennial Latinx leaders. They're synthesized and interpreted through the lenses of the authors' two very different personal experiences as Latino leaders in corporate America.

Book Bubbles from Auténtico: The Definitive Guide to Latino Career Success

Being Latino Is Also About Choice

"I can't help it, it's in my blood," people often say when explaining a certain behavior (for example, loving to dance) or ritual (smelling incense makes me peaceful) that they like. But how much is really a function of DNA? When it comes to Latinos in the USA there is also a lot of choice involved in how "Latino" one shows up. For me, it's one of the first things people learn about my identity. But others choose to never reveal it or do so in select circumstances. There is no right or wrong choice. There are many complex reasons for the choices people make. This excerpt explores some of these.

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