Authorpreneur Dashboard – Amanda Kay Davis

Amanda Kay Davis

Draven Doogle and the Masked Bully

Children's Books

“I’m Draven Doogle and I am about to say something that no kid in the history of the world has ever said before…I was excited to go back to school! I know how crazy that sounds, but my school had been closed because of the coronavirus and I missed my friends…and well, truth be told, I kinda missed my teachers, too. My excitement faded quicky though when along came the MASKED BULLY! I thought that facing the Corona Witch last year had been tough but that was nothing compared to this. This. Was. Bad. And the worst part was that once again I needed the help of Mrs. McBecky, the Corona Witch.”

Book Bubbles from Draven Doogle and the Masked Bully

Draven Doogle and the Corona Witch

Children's Books

Draven Doogle is a typical kid starting third grade. That is, typical until a new neighbor and a worldwide pandemic change everything. From his bedroom window Draven witnesses an unsettling event across the street at Mrs. McBecky’s house. A girl walks into the house with Mrs. McBecky, but only an Octopus Monster walks out making Draven very suspicious. Draven’s world is turned even further upside down when he learns that Mrs. McBecky is a new teacher at his school! He spends the school year trying to avoid Mrs. McBecky while still observing her terrible actions. Then even more horrific, the coronavirus causes a worldwide pandemic, the closing of Draven’s school, and even stranger activity at Mrs. McBecky’s house. When Draven’s dad becomes sick with the coronavirus, Draven must find the courage to sneak onto Mrs. McBecky’s porch to steal one of her coronavirus potions. When he fails this mission, Draven must face the terrifying witch head on. He is willing to do anything to save his dad, even if that means facing the dreaded Mrs. McBecky.

Book Bubbles from Draven Doogle and the Corona Witch

School Closing Announcement

As a third grade teacher, this was a sad day in my classroom. Classrooms become families and cutting the school year early was like saying goodbye to your family at the end of a long visit when no one wants to leave yet.

Facing the Witch

Draven Doogle must face his biggest fear, the witch Mrs. McBecky, if he wants to save his dad.

Throwing Rocks at a Witch

In this part of the book, Draven Doogle must face his fears and confront the witch that lives across the street. Mrs. McBecky is the only one who can help him...and he needs help more than he ever has in his life.

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