Authorpreneur Dashboard – Addison Wolf

Addison  Wolf

Breaking Lucia


They'll protect me... if they don't break me first. I refuse to be a disposable pawn in my father's underworld dealings. If that means heading out in the middle of the night to get as far away as I can from my mafia family, so be it. I have everything planned, and it’s all going perfectly… right up until the point where they catch me. Angelo. Scary, domineering, the bruiser. If he wants me, he’s not going to stop until he gets me — any way he has to. Saint tries to be the “nice guy,” but he’s got a filthy little habit of touching me when I’m sleeping, when I’m helpless. And Victor? He’s the most terrifying one of all, the brains behind the brawn, with a cold composure I’m desperate to crack. If I can get to him, the others will fall in line — but what if he gets to me first? They promise to protect me as long as I do what I’m told, but just how far will I have to go — and how much of me will splinter in the process?

Book Bubbles from Breaking Lucia

Angelo's Motivation

One of the things Raissa and I knew going in was that each of the guys in the "harem" would have their own reasons for being there. Angelo's main motivation is revenge--and that's why he's so intent on hurting Lucia's father. He's the one with the most personal stakes, and he's let his anger and grief dictate much of his life since his brother's death.

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